Monday, May 12, 2008

What is a Vichoco? Top 10 Definitions!

Definition #1: a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. - Hypocrite

example: Vichoco says Viet Nam does not allow freedom of speech and oppresses those who perform such action. This video shows a bunch of Vichoco rallying against Tommy Ngo for wearing a belt that resembles Viet Nam's national flag.

Definition #2: a person, team, nation, etc., that loses. - Loser

example: Vichoco was forced into exile even with America's superior "help".

Definition #3: a person using, containing, or characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language: - Abusive

example: Listen to what the primitive Vichoco who've made the video above have to say.

Definition #4: a person controlled by systematic indoctrination, esp. one based on repetition or confusion: - Brainwashed

example: "Communism is bad, Communism is evil. We must force it away with brutal violence and civil war disregarding countless futile civilians!" (Divide and Conquer) - Imperialist

Definition #5: a person lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: - Ignorant

example: Vichoco thought that American and Ngo Dinh Diem were 2 separate government, They thought Ngo Dinh Diem brought prosperity into Viet Nam and made a formerly French state a utopia.

Definition #6: a person providing a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; - Lie

example: Vichoco knows of Nguyen Van Ly's terrorism against the state which is clearly shown by this video, yet they call this trial vs. religious freedom, yet Nguyen Van Ly in no longer a priest, not even the Vatican has sympathy or comment on him nor this matter. There is only a handsome of these "civilized priest" doing KUNG-FU under the court of law around the world.

Definition #7: a person, group, government, etc., whose actions are prompted and controlled by another or others. - Puppet

example: During the American war, Diem a former Mandarin replaced Bao Dai emperor as "State Viet Nam"'s new president. He relies much on America's economical aid and military support. His later successor Nguyen Van Thieu stated that he despised America abandoning his presidential seat when they withdrew from the war.

Definition #8: a person without a home: - Homeless

example: Vichoco lives in America where they belong with their American masters stating that they would never return to Viet Nam or have any second thoughts about contributing to it's economic development.

Definition #9: a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. - Traitor

example: Vichoco would join their American "brothers in arm" as they would call them, to kill their own people, and would sometimes accuse a comrade of being a "communist sympathizers" to execute them cold blood.

Definition #10: a person who abandons or betrays his or her party or associates, esp. in a time of trouble: an informer: or an animal hunted or seized for food, esp. by vntiger. - Rat

example: Watch the video. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Vichoco - Vi(Viet) Cho(Cho'''') Co(Co^ng))

1.A Commies DOG
2.Vietnamese = Mot^ cong cho' cong^, Cho''' cong^ con =Chococo ;-)
1. Support Vietnam current one-party Communist regime
2. Defending Vietnam Communist ideology (DCSVN)
3. Educated in U.S, Canada, Germany ect Democracy/Capitalist countries
4. They call us a TRAITOR??
5. Their father fight war like DOG, popping out of DOG hole and DIG tunnel.
6. Ho Chi Minh is their GOD, whom they worship dearly
7. They like the dollar and used American innovation, but often talk trash about U.S
8. Son and daughter of dog hole warfare and tunnel digging descendant
9. Stalin and Marxist's children
10. Friend of Cu-Ba/Ba Cu type of people, North HunKogery, MyanTac countries…

Anonymous said...

hey look it's a vichoco dog barking! haha so typical.

Anonymous said...

ya so funny hahahaha
i think Vichoco means "Việt chó con"
yeah, chó are very faithful to their master. Vichoco = new generation of chó, just like their father =)).
Anyway please take off the word "Vi" cuz yo not Việt anymore, yo American, dont call yourself Vietnamese, its a shame for me and all the Vietnamese people, hahahahaha

Colonel said...

I highly doubt you could kick my ass. You are such an ethug putting challenges and threats on the internet. You are very tough. I am part American true but I consider myself Vietnamese first also. You are so ignorant. Communism gives equal chances to everyone by giving no one a chance. Give it up fool! Better dead than red son! I have started shit in Vietnam. I was a sailor and we docked there. Fucked up you commies in a bar a few years back! Im on active reserve so I doubt Ill be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Da dao cong sang..Viet Nam cong hoa muon nam

Anonymous said...

People in Viet nam kill people just for wearing flashy jewelry. I know these vichoco won't do shit in Viet Nam. They open their mouth for one second and they will have to deal with the people, the thousands of former VC walking around, they ALL OVER sai go.... i mean THANH PHO HO CHI MINH hahaha or they will be dealt with by the cong an or the police, since vichoco don't know how to speak vietnamese. Without Ho Chi Minh viet nam might still be french ruled, even today france still controls colonies. Vichoco ungrateful doggies, can't speak vietnamese, don't teach their children anything viet, hypocrite, liars, murderers. And should I bring up reports of ARVN soldiers coming into villages and forcing small children to have sex with them?

Jon said...


Frederick said...

For me the most popular and more dangerous Vichoco are those whom pretend to have virtues, moral, etc because they can easily cheat people to believe in them and they can do the most harm to others.

Viagra Online said...

Really interesting term which I have never heard of, this was very informative to expand my vocabulary, everyday we learn something new, thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Who calls them Vichoco anymore?

Those monkey's are called Virats now, they're subhuman Asian rat with a Viet name.