Tuesday, February 5, 2008


What if there was a world? A world where money does not control people but people control themselves for the benefit of others? Money is the source of all evil, without money one cannot cope with society. Without money one is not capable of cooperating with mankind. Money separates the rich and the poor, money cause war in small countries. Money enslaves people for the richer nations. USA is a prime example of a global market exploiter that uses money to enslave smaller nations. Poor countries such as ones of Asia endure sweat shops, and child slavery for price of one bread a day, when export to America the shoes are valued of over 200 dollars. Why does America not develop their own shoes with exploitation of their own children and citizens? The message is clear, America exchange blood with money to make more money.

Imagine a world with NO money, instead a world when everyone comes together to work for one purpose, to enhance the life of mankind for the benefit of all mankind, to live in peace and harmony without seeing a difference in ourselves. This money world we live in does not provide such benefits. Instead richer nations are the only nations to enjoy life when nations in Africa, Middle East and Asia suffer life deterioration.

The war in Iraq that is going on is to provide enough fuel for America's economy to run, without this oil America's economy will come to halt and lead of America as richest nation in the world will decline... this will eventually cause the CIA to sabotage third world countries for the benefit of America's economy. Freedom is a statement often used by Americans, but without their cheap shoes, clothes and food exploited from countries that barely have enough to eat, then there wouldn't be freedom at all for this exploiter nation.

Money is power. Ever heard of that saying? What about people? Everybody has a value, and that value becomes money. People kill each other for money. Everyone has a price on their head some are priceless however it all comes down to money to get dirty jobs done. Because money simply controls the mankind, it is the prime resource of survival. CIA use this so called money to initiate countries to fight within itself to turn against their own this has been done in IRAQ, in Viet Nam, in IRAN, in YUGOSLAVIA, in KOREA and there is really no end to it.

If we lived in a world where money was not a problem, if we live in a world where "points" or "marks" are given for jobs instead of money. Where everyone can work and play at the same time, when everyone can enjoy what the rich of today can only enjoy. Where the world unites and enhances our ability to discover life and glory of science. If this had ever happened mankind would've made it to mars already. However the greediness of rulers in each nation prevents this utopia to ever happen. One day America will rule the world with money and we cannot do anything about it. Communism had been blamed for genocides all over the world, but America has done equal damage without being blamed? Money keeps people's mouth shut, media is sponsored by money.

In the future America will install a chip into every human being that will track their life history that can locate a person anywhere they are around the world, that controls their income, their health etc. RFID chip is to be installed into every human being on May 2008. The reason America says is to track a person's health, but is health really the matter of this device? One day everyone in America will only be a number, a product like ones in the supermarket. Each number will have a value, and if the number misuses their privilege in society, their chip will malfunction and their credit in society will be annihilated. This was what the war with the USSR or Soviet Union was all about, so they can take over the world and control people for themselves.

Will there be resistance?

Perhaps they will allow people who refuse to install RFID however those people will be limited in society, that means they cannot travel, they cannot drink, buy cigarettes, healthcare etc. Everyone will simply be a product of the USA. This is the beginning of NWO (New World Order) when America takes over the world with money millions of lives will be lost. It may not happen in this generation, but it will definitely begin in the next generation.


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